21st Annual NASC
Sportsman-Legislator Summit
Kyle Hoyd
Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Kyle is Delaware’s ninth State Forester under the Department of Agriculture Forest Service. His primary responsibilities include the oversight of Delaware’s three State Forests consisting of over 21,000 of land along with 389,000 acres of forestland within the State of Delaware. Kyle has worked for the Forest Service for 19 years beginning his career as the Urban Forester and moving up to the coordinator level in 2010. Shortly afterwards he transitioned to Deputy State Forester where he handled operations for State Forest management and oversaw the wildland fire program for in and out of state incidents. Kyle holds a bachelor’s degree in forestry from West Virginia University and an associate degree in Forest Technology from The Pennsylvania College of Technology. Kyle is an advocate for sportsmen’s rights, public land hunting opportunities, and active forest management in the 1st state. He is an avid hunter and outdoorsmen’s and enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, and son.