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Jake McGuigan

National Shooting Sports Foundation

Jake McGuigan

With an MBA, experience in government, consulting, and a strong personal belief in the Second Amendment and the rights of individuals, Jake McGuigan is well suited to go to bat for the firearms industry in the political arena as the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s managing director of state affairs. Jake oversees a regionally based team that defends the industry from coast to coast, while his focus is in the northeast region. Jake is a 2000 graduate of the University of Notre Dame with a degree in finance. After his undergraduate education he moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia to work as a financial analyst for SEI Investments for close to four years. Following his finance career McGuigan earned his MBA from the University of Florida in 2005, where he also got his first serious exposure to politics working on the Bush-Cheney campaign. After completing his graduate education Jake worked as a consultant to the packaging industry on federal regulatory matters. Before joining NSSF in 2007, McGuigan, a Massachusetts native, served as senior policy advisor for the administration of Rhode Island’s Governor Donald Carcieri, a political conservative. McGuigan says he’s always both enjoyed the outdoors and staunchly supported the rights of individuals to own firearms. He is a member of the Gun Owners Action League as well as a NRA Benefactor Member.

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