22nd Annual NASC
Sportsman-Legislator Summit
Dave Smith
Louisiana State University

I am a PhD student at Louisiana State University (LSU), working on a dissertation that explores a variety of angler survey-oriented research topics. My research interests are focused on innovating and optimizing creel and angler surveys and I have played a lead role in creating the Angler Survey Committee, an AFS committee jointly housed within the Fisheries Administration Section and Fisheries Management Section. With this committee, I have leveraged partnerships to build a community of practice with representation from over 40 U.S. states, Europe, and Canada. Prior to my time at LSU, I was employed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department as an Assistant District Biologist, working to enhance the quality of sportfish opportunities across the state. Additionally, I have a diversity of employment experience working as a fisheries scientist across the U.S. as part of state and federal fishery management teams including the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Marine Fisheries Service.